I was asked to do a facts post about myself so here it goes. Hope you all enjoy and keep the requests coming.
10 Random facts:
2. I have a phobia of seeing toothpaste anywhere else other than my mouth. If I have to clean it up off the sink, I have to close my eyes and hold my breath. And if I get it on my hand, I have to wash them with soap.
3. I am a mutt! Italian, Jamaican, and Indian runs in my blood. My sperm donor's side is definitely a walking melting pot.
4. Hence fact 3... Me and my father do not have a good relationship. Never have and probably never will. I have come to accepted that.
5. I have 2 daughters. My first I named after my late mother Marie Antoinette. Which the movie coincidentally came out the same year I gave birth to her. Meant to be huh?
6. I cry when I tinkle! Weird? And a tad TMI but hey... you asked for it! Lol
7. I was a victim of rape as a child. I hope to help other's one day on this topic.
8. I use to be a tom boy growing up and beating up on the kids in the neighborhood was my specialty!
9. I have a total of 16 piercings and would like more.
10. I HAVE to sleep on the left side of the bed. The right side is the enemy.
I would love to hear you guys random facts! Whether you have a blog or not... leave them in the comments below.