Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Job Interview??

Am I the only one that gets nervous right before an interview? Let me tell you, I hear the word INTERVIEW and I am a split second from passing out and hoping someone will catch me! It is such a nerve wrecking situation for me. But nonetheless in this day and time I am happy to have had one. No interview =  no job! I have been working for myself the last year doing freelance modeling and makeup. While this can be a lucrative scenario, I sometimes miss having the stability of an on the clock job. Not to mention paying out of pocket for good health insurance for a family of 4 is reason enough to hop onto an employers health plan! So the hunt begins and I have become one of the crabs in the barrel fighting to the top for that one position to create that stability I long for.

I began to think as I'm getting all "Beautified"... I wonder what others do to keep their nerves down when they are going on an interview? And why is it so dang nerve wrecking! I mean it's not like the interviewer is a part of the CIA and I'm about to be interrogated on top secret information. Why do I fall to pieces at the thought of going on an interview?

So I thought to compile a few tips that will possibly help you like they did for myself yesterday. I found myself repeating a few of these tips to myself to keep me positive and calm before stepping foot into the office with the big round table and penetrating eyes with no hint of a smile. I mean seriously... do interviewers have to stare you down like that?? Creepy!

1. Remind yourself that the interviewer is only HUMAN like yourself. They are not above you and are only doing their job. They once sat on your side of the equation.

2. Give yourself a pep talk. In this case it's ok to actually talk to yourself! Just make sure no one's around to hear. Speak positive affirmations such as, "I am worthy of this job", "I am successful in whatever I do", or "I believe in myself and I will make other's believe in me too".

3. Be personable. No matter how well you may be capable of doing a job, no one wants to hire a sauerkraut who may give issues for the company later. Smile and show genuine emotion.

4. Know the company or brand. I have never been on an interview where they have not asked me, "SOoooo, why do you want to work for this company?" Surprise them by actually giving them background about the company. Take note if they help out in the community or if they sponsor any nonprofit organizations.

5. Practice. Think of some of the common questions asked on an interview and think of how you will answer them. Remember to stay positive and upbeat even if the question may be begging for negativity. For example they may ask, "What is your weakness?".

6. Remember to maintain eye contact. Not being able to look them in the eyes while speaking may tell the interviewer that you are uncertain. Looking them in the eyes as you speak tells them you mean what you say and you are speaking with confidence.

7. Know that after the interview is over you will be ok. You will get up from the table and leave with the same two legs you walked in on. Even if you don't snatch this job up, it was practice for the next opportunity and you tried your best!

So these are a few of the things that helped me. What do you do before or during an interview?
